Drewfasa's Blog

A diary of my life and thoughts.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Back amongst the living - and it's not a purse, it's a European carry-all!

Feeling much better today, thanks for asking. I was only 60% or so when I woke up but I had two esspressos (thank you mum for the machine, it has paid for itself many times over) and now I feel stupendous!

And, Kyle, the handsome leather satchel you see strung over my shoulder is actually the height of fashion here in Europe. It is also tremendously handy to have all my necessities sitting ready at my hip, rather than out of reach between my shoulder blades. Thirdly and finally, it avoids the condition known as 'swack' (noun. vernacular, meaning sweat of the back and/or sweat of the crack ie. butt-crack), which is the inevitable consequence of prolonged backpack wearing. It is my most treasured accessory and I fully intend to liberate men in Canada when I return, with the introduction of man-bags (ie. purses for men) into the category of acceptable heterosexual male attire .

Now that I am feeling better, and before my esspressos wear off and I feel worse than ever, I am going to go claim my pecuniary reward for my labours on Saturday, and then I had better get cracking on my State-theory presentation for next Wednesday. I am presenting on Elite theory. Basically the idea is that the stupid masses should have nothing to do with the running of the state, and that they never really do anyways. In its purist form it is basically the ideological base of Fascism and also of the American constitution (see Madison's preamble if you don't believe me). Cool hey!


Blogger Hannah said...

Glad you are feeling better buddy! You should be friends with my friend Seth..he loves the man purse as well.

9:26 PM  

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