Drewfasa's Blog

A diary of my life and thoughts.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Hooray for Capitalism! movie club

Greetings and salutations!

I watched two great movies today (I borrowed them off the internet). The two movies were Good Night and Good Luck and Syriana, Both starring George Clooney, and in fact I believe he produced the first one and co-produced the second.

Good night and good luck was about Ed Murro's confrontation with junior senator Joe McCarthy on his CBS show (Murro's). McCarthy was busy tossing out civil liberties and calling everyone communists. Your basic witch-hunt. Anyways, Murro and his news buddies took McCarthy to task on it and helped bring him down. It's a pretty new movie I believe, and it was likely written in response to George W.'s wonderful USA PATRIOT ACT which has just been renewed this week actually! Who needs democratic process when you can hand over all power to the most insane and dangerous executive-branch in the developed world?

Syriana was a superb movie, ostensibly based on the memoirs of some CIA guy, the book is called See No Evil, and I imagine it must be pretty interesting. The movie was directed by the same guy who did the movie Traffic. Anyways, this movie does such a good job of showing how the world works and everybody gets screwed. Again, my watching of this movie coincided hilariously with the referral of Iran to the UN Security council (the movie is largely about Iranian oil). Syriana was a good movie, damn good. So good I would actually consider paying to see it if the cinema industry hadn't priced themselves out of the market, or at least out of my market. (note: the big cinema chains all jacked up their prices long before the advent of the downloadable pirate video, although they keep trying to tell us that it happened because of pirate dvds - which apparently also lead to heroin, prostitution and murder; or so I'm told at least).

I was really surprised to learn that George Clooney was somewhat political (the good kind of political that is), especially after what I would consider one of the worst movies I have seen, ever - Ocean's Twelve; second in crappiness only to Memoirs of a Geisha (*shudder).

So anyways, I thought Syriana did a great job of showing what a fantastic mess the world is in. I'm pretty sure we're going to blow ourselves up (Israel and Iran rolled highest, so they get to go first).


SOME say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I'’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice, 5
I think I know enough of hate
To know that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.


Blogger Hannah said...

Drew! I know...what a scam that auzzie gold nuggets guy is! The cheek of it! Anyway, write a blog that is not so intellectually above the rest of us "average" friends of yours. I am coming to England in 5 weeks yay!

4:39 PM  
Blogger Richard Edward Noble said...

You missed a little on the Edward R. Morrow Story. Actually standing up to McCarthy pretty much ended Mr. Morrow's carreer. He was allowed to do a few more shows. I think one was "Harvest of Shame". He didn't really even end his carreer with a bang - it ended in more of a wimper - doing propaganda stories for Voice of America in Europe. McCarthy finally got into trouble when he started finding Communists in the Pentagon and the U.S. Army. McCarthy ended up dying from alcoholism.

2:51 AM  

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