Drewfasa's Blog

A diary of my life and thoughts.

Friday, May 26, 2006


Well, I think it's finally time. We've all known it for a while now, it's been on everyone's mind for ages. I'm talking about the United States. It's full of a lot of really nice people and we all have many friends there, but it's time to disband the United States of America. The majority of the planet rightly sees this country as the planet's most serious threat to peace and international stability. Case in point, besides all sorts of hints and allegations regarding new governments in South America and their 'revolutionary' ideas (even if it does turn out to be empty rhetoric) about using their oil wealth to help their own citizens instead of US shareholders, some numb-nuts video game company has just released a new game ('mercenaries:II') based on the not-at-all farfetched scenario of a US invasion of Venezuela.

Perhaps it would not have caused such a stir if the game had come out of a less bellicose country, and if Pat Robertson, the leader of America's biggest lobbying group - the Christian Coalition - had not been recently heard on national christian radio calling for the assassination of Venezuela's democratically elected president (wanker!!). I'm sure, for instance, that residents of Nicaragua would fail to see the innocence of such a game (seeing as their population still hasn't regained its pre-Reagan levels after he punished them for electing the wrong government).

Anyways, because everytime I read the news I get P.O.'d, and I'm totally sick of it- because hating the USA is cliched and facile (yet I still can't help it), I've decided that the simplest thing to do is just break the country up into its fifty component states (Hawaii will become independent, and Alaska will join Canada as it will make our map nicer; the territories stolen from Mexico will be returned, thus solving any so-called 'immigration' problems).

Like I said, anti-Americanism is stupid (although understandble if you have been or are currently being invaded or are facing the prospect of invasion). However, since I find it so difficult to overcome these feelings, I feel it will be easier to disband the country in question, thus eliminating the possibility of feeling 'anti' it.

The easiest way to put my plan into action would probably be (to take a well-read page from the CIA's protocol book) to arm a group of religious fanatics so they can overthrow the government and impose a state of general chaos a-la-Afghanistan. (The prime candidates would likely be Christian fundementalists of the Pat Robertson variety who would jump at the chance to begin stoning homosexuals and bombing abortion clinics with the aim of a return to the dark ages. Heliocentric astronomy would be banned, to say nothing of evolutionary theory or other subversive sciences.)

Well, I think I've worn myself out....seriously though....I need to find a newspaper that will just tell me that everything is okay. I think they sell USA Today at the train station...d'oh!! there I go again!

With a view to equality I should mention that if the USA is to be disbanded then its only fair that all other countries disband as well, which is fine by me and will prevent any further immigration difficulties to myself and numerous others. However, many (if not all) will not share my eccentric anarchist's point of view as this will make international hockey tournaments less exciting (although in light of Canada's recent performance at the Turin Olympics it may be an attractive idea after all!)

P.S. My good wife has rightly pointed out that, myself being an anarchist, I shouldn't use the word 'anarchy' in its pejorative sense "...general anarchy a-la-Afghanistan...". I have therefore replaced it with the word 'chaos', so as not to defeat my own cause.


Blogger Smash said...

I like it.
Very fun.
When someone else rants, sometimes it makes you feel better. But have you ever considered that maybe it is the will of God that America be so stronghanded and that they might ultimately become the one world order and therefore must become much more terrible so as to hasten the Day of the Lord? Ha Ha! Did I make you sick? I was just messing with you.
Love, Ash.

12:35 PM  
Blogger Ryan said...

I think it's hilarious how America has sort of designated itself as the new "God's Chosen People". I mean, yeah they had a great start and a good foundation when they got going, but it sure didn't take long for those genuine Christian ideals to turn into dogmatic, right-wing, conservative, republicanism - all still in the name of the God of the Bible, and Jesus our Saviour, who incidentally held to no political cause or national party. Their global rampagings are more than slightly reminiscent of the crusades back in the "dark ages" (as though we were any more "enlightened" now than they were then). They seem to think that God only holds to Western views (particularly regarding oil supplies) and since they're the strongest country, OBVIOUSLY God must want them to have their way over the world (good stewardship and all that). So it's like it's their responsibility to God to go out into all the world and share the good news of "the American way".
God help us.

4:22 PM  
Blogger danielle said...

We are in Vancouver, Washington. Kind of ironic.

6:30 PM  
Blogger Kyle Turner said...

All I know is that God thinks gas prices are too high. I mean really, how could he not? But seriously, Drew I have been pleasantly surprised at your intelectualism about all these matters, and your big words dood. I would have to agree with a lot of what you say, but I guess I've kinda taken the pasive approach, being that I don't see what change I can effect, of just living my life the way I believe God would have me live, and when I die, things will be better. I think Americans, regardless of religious belief, are more susceptible to jackassery because of the country they live in. One of the biggest Pompous, arrogant patriots I have ever seen is none other than Michael W. Smith. I fail to see how waving the American flag vigorously and proclaiming, as Ryan said, that God thinks your country is the best, is worship of anything other than self. But ll I can do is live the way God wants me to in whatever worldly situations arise, so that's what I will try to do. Peace.

6:59 PM  
Blogger Candice said...

Ummm... I guess I don't think alot about such issues. Sometimes your postings baffle me because I don't know much about what you're talking about. But they're definitly interesting reads. But I don't think I'll sit down and ponder it either because it would probably just make me frusterated.

12:35 AM  
Blogger Ryan said...

One more thing...I was just over at Richard Dahlstrom's blog and he had a few choice things to say along the same lines as your rant. Definitely worth the read - especially coming from an American Pastor!


5:59 AM  

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