Drewfasa's Blog

A diary of my life and thoughts.

Monday, August 28, 2006

What's up dudes

Hi friends,

I really like my computer. I'm watching a skateboard video I borrowed off the internet and blogging at the same time. Wow, I feel so futuristic. Seriously, 10 years ago I was a nerdy boy imagining such coolness.

Anyways, I had a really cool holiday with my fam in Canada and also in the USA. My dad bought this cool thing called a Wake Skate, and it was super fun. It's basically a smaller version of a wakeboard but without bindings and a soft rubber top for standing on with bare feet. It was really addictive and I couldn't get enough of it.

What else was cool....hmmm...oh! I musn't forget how nice it was to visit my friends: Martin and Danielle, and Aubrey and his girlfriend Rachelle (Rochelle? It's the frech sounding one with the soft 'ch'). I also got to meet my sister's (Dallas') boyfriend, Dan. He was good fun and added to the enjoyment of the holiday.

I also ate steak at least once a day, and Dan and I got to play steaks one night (as seen in 'Scrubs') which was awesome. Dan ate 4 steaks and I tapped out at 3, but they were big-ass steaks. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!! I also had a big 20 ouncer at this super delicious restaurant on the lake called Elkins. Last year the fat guy from NYPD blue was sitting at the table beside us when we ate there.

Now I have gnarly jet-lag that I can't seem to get over, which is compounded with some kind of heinous virus that had me literally moaning with agony today. Yech!! I feel better now though, and tomorrow we're going to see the in-laws in Skipton which is always a treat (the in-laws that is, although Skipton ain't bad either, except that last time I went I was served a dirt sandwhich at the French Cafe and then told it was salad dressing.)

Hope you all are doing well. I need to get my knees fixed because they complain when I skateboard, stupid knees.


Here's a photo of me trying to get respectable air. It was fairly respectable, however since the advent of digital cameras it seems like action shots are always too early or too late. I suppose the trick is to use sequence (aka rapidfire) settings on digi cams and then you will get all the action, either that or just video record it and then make your own still shots. Oh well, next time.

Here's another too early photo.

Because the wake skate is so small (113cm compared with 136-142 on a wakeboard) you can't see the board, all the better I suppose since by the end of 4 days use all the paint was coming off. By the last day I was able to really ollie on it and it was sooooooo fun! This is the best photo unfortunately, the air is not yet respectable because I just got it that morning and was getting used to no bindings craziness.


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