Drewfasa's Blog

A diary of my life and thoughts.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

My week

So this was my first week of classes. It was great. I have three modules: Nietzsche; Social Futures; and Neo-Nationalism and small wars. They are all awesome. I have been reading Nietzsche's The Birth of Tragedy and I'm really enjoying it. It is basically an essay which asks where Greek tragedy came from, and how come it was so moving. And it blames "The demon,Socrates...that logical despot" for bringing down the Dionysian beauty of the original tragedians (like Aeschylus and Sophocles). The other modules are cool too.

Also, last night I went and saw Imogen Heap perform at my university. It was dope. The whole thing was very aesthetically pleasing experience. She was damn good live and basically did live DJing/mixing while also singing, playing the piano, and multifarious other crazy intstruments. She was very tall and thin, and fair and she had a really cool hairdo. Imogen Heap used to be in a band called Frou Frou, which was on the Garden State soundtrack, and her solo album's really good too. It was so cool because she was one of a very small group of artists I have wanted to see and then not only did she come to my University, but my neighbour and his wife had two spare tickets and they took me along for free!

PS, tomorrow is my birthday and I'm going to an all-you-can-eat curry buffet. I don't know if that is safe. Has anyone ever completely gorged themselves on curry? And if so, how did they put out the fire in their butt the next day?

Hope you are all doing great, friends.


Blogger danielle said...

Drew - I've eaten all-you-can-eat Indian buffet, and then returned to work, so I believe it's possible, although if one is prone to contracting butt-fire from certain substances, it may be your natural predisposition and therefore something you will have to suffer through for the glory of the gorge. So horrendous the wages of hedonism.

P.S. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! 24!! Long gone are the days of walker-ed and bow-legged friendship, eh? I guess we are more suffistamucated now, with all our fancy edimucation. Wisht we were there to celebrate with you. (I believe we still have that rather nice bottle of champagne...)

3:38 AM  
Blogger Ryan said...

To gorge or not to gorge?

Indian buffet??? DO IT! I don't know if I've ever "gorged" on curry, but I've definitely eaten a FULL meal of the stuff and absolutely no after-effects ever made me regret that meal. Although a week ago I made some Curried Butter Chicken and the noxious fumes coming from my behind after that were poisonous and sinful. But do it!
Sounds like fun. Happy Birthday!!

Your courses sound good too - WAY more interesting than accounting...management information systems...human resource management... BLECH.

Thanks for the well-wishes on the whole car escapde - looks like he's getting the "at fault" and I'm getting some $$$. Makes me feel a bit better.

later dude!

12:52 AM  

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