Drewfasa's Blog

A diary of my life and thoughts.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

A most unusual lunch-break

So today after one of my classes I was invited by a classmate to the Student's Union for a drink. He was an older student (45) and I had struck up a conversion with him in class about motorbikes. This conversation led to the fact that he had once been a Hell's Angel, had 9 kids, and used to live in Beeston. I told him I live in Beeston, and from there the conversation took its windy course until by the end I had learned that this fellow was a former Hell's Angel, roadie for Motorhead, and was currently living in Armley under the protection of the London Terrorist Prevention squad. Since the July 7th London bombings he has been in constant contact with MI5 and been receiving death threats from Muslims in my neighbourhood. There was way more to the story, but more on that later.

When Beth came home I told her about what an interesting fellow I'd spent lunch with and passed on what he'd told me. After repeating his story to Beth I realized it did in fact sound like a load of crap. Out of curiosity I did a google search from the information I could remember from his story: I knew his name was Martin; he had said he wrote an article for the Guardian; and that he was receiving death threats from Muslims in Beeston - so I googled "Martin", "Guardian", "Beeston", "Muslim", "death threat", and sure enough, I found loads of stuff about this interesting fellow relating to the July 7th bombings, confirming exactly what he had told me. Stories by big names in journalism, which appeared in big international news stories. I really can't do justice to his story so I've posted a link here to an article about him that appeared in the Guardian. The story is written by one of the most famous journalist in the UK, and probably the world. The article is called: "The IT man who tried to stop the London bombers." Please read it, it is truly remarkable. The places mentioned in the article are about a 1 or 2 minute walk from my front door. Right across the street from where I catch my bus every day. I've been laughing in disbelief all night

What a truly unusual lunch-hour!

ps - Hehe, it calls my neighbourhood "a poor enclave of terraced housing on the road from Leeds to Dewsbury". Hehe, my neighbourhood sucks :p


Blogger Candice said...

That's just.... crazy!!! He seems very open about the whole thing. What an interesting life! You're right, it seems very unreal. But this is a weird world we live in, so why not? Isn't it kind of strange that he would be out and about at school and telling you all this? Did he have body guards or anything following you two around? Wouldn't he be arrested for being involved with the group?

I'm not sure if you've been painting a worse picture of your neighborhood than it actually is, but it sounds dangerous and full of adventure...

9:22 PM  
Blogger danielle said...

Interesting article - full of much moral gray matter. The description of the DVDs was especially interesting. Very convincing to a person with emotional and religious ties. Was thinking how easily I could be influenced by imagery like that. And really, how much of it isn't true?

5:25 PM  
Blogger Hannah said...

Hey I accidently put my message on the blog before this one...so here is another one, have a delectable Sunday evening Mr and Mrs Johnston.

8:51 PM  
Blogger Kyle Turner said...

Drew, you are truly ghetto. That's frightening. How are the Hell's Angels over yonder? Are they involved in all the same garbage as here, or are they cleaner? I quite despise them over here. Anywho, that's crazy. Nothing like a little spice in your day eh? My life is boring...

8:02 AM  
Blogger Hannah said...


3:14 PM  

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