Drewfasa's Blog

A diary of my life and thoughts.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Hooray for prisons

My German friends in the flat above us were a bit depressed this weekend. For the second time in three days their car was broken into in front of our house. The person broke in by pulling at the top of the door and pushing at the middle of the door with their boot. The result is a significantly screwed up door. They had just gotten it fixed, and the exact same thing happened again. The boneheads didn't even bother to steal anything the second time. The first time they simply stole her umbrella and then threw it into our neighbours' garden two doors down.

This is a big bummer for them. She's had to leave her car at her sister's house on the other side of the city because she is tired of getting it fixed. It's a pretty big difference from what I'm used to in Canada. I remember one day at my last flat I came home and there was a car on fire underneath my bedroom window. My other neighbour also had his car set on fire a couple years ago in front of his house. I can't remember if I already blogged about it, but we had to move from our last flat because the alcoholic psycho lady next door kept threatening to kill us, and was always trying to break through our wall into our flat (we shared a wall with her, yippee!). We had to sneakily move out because we were afraid our landlord would steal our stuff, he had once moved somebody out of their flat without telling them. Crazy.

Anyhoo, off to work now at the veggie cafe. Peace!


Blogger Ryan said...

Hey man... that is a crappy place to live. Hands down. I can't imagine having to deal with that every single day. I would have snapped long ago. What ever happened to moving to Canada? SFU? Is that still in the works? Cuz you know Vancouver is SO much safer than England.

3:44 PM  

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